On the northern edge of Lake Thun lies the first peak of the Güggisgrat: the Niederhorn. With its incredible visibility and easy accessibility, the peak has become one of the most famous mountains in the Alpine foothills.

Mustering at Seefeld

On the Seefeld Alp, behind the Beatenberg, high above Habkern and the Justistal, you can sometimes hear an underground, thunderous noise for hours. In ancient times, there was a large city on this Alp. Its inhabitants were pagans and committed all kinds of atrocities. When Saint Justus set up his hut by a spring in the valley named after him, he turned his steps towards the godless city. The pagan inhabitants showed him the gates, and when he returned, they beat him. God's anger flared up. The earth opened its mouth and devoured the unjust. But that noise, which the inhabitants of the area call the muster on Seefeld, comes from their wagons, which still drive around the streets of the city today.


From Beatenberg you can reach the Niederhorn via cable car. Walking up and down is no big deal for experienced hikers.