Lake Feldsee in the Black Forest is a stunning gem surrounded by forests and mountains. This picturesque body of water is a popular destination for nature lovers, hikers and photographers who want to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Located near the highest mountain in the Black Forest, the Feldberg, the Feldsee is a deep blue mountain lake surrounded by lush greenery and rocks. It is a natural lake that has remained unchanged for centuries and is an important habitat for many native animal and plant species.

For hikers and walkers, the Feldsee offers a wonderful environment. There are several marked hiking trails that lead through the surrounding forests and mountains and offer spectacular views of the lake. A popular route is the Feldsee circular trail.

Where the spirits are banished

Anyone who sits on one of the rocks by the water and looks out over the Feldsee will be amazed by the primal forces of nature. After the ice age glacier melted, the cirque lake remained, which on sunny days presents itself as a wondrous natural idyll. But far more sinister powers are at work in the depths.

The Feldberg was a wild, inaccessible mountain range, with dark forests, rockfalls and extreme forces of nature. Dark and unfathomable, a black hole with rugged rocks and bizarre trees - the mere sight of the Feldsee made the blood run cold in the veins of those who dared to venture there. It was a place where evil spirits lived, so horrible that witches avoided the area and chose the Kandel as a meeting place instead. Since time immemorial, ghosts and demons were banished to the Feldsee. If a building was haunted, a priest was called who lured the ghost into a bottle with a magic formula. Bang, a cork was put on it and off to the Feldsee, where the demon was sunk. The banishment was constantly accompanied by the eerie murmuring of the free spirits. And woe betide anyone who heard his name and looked back: the spirits dragged him into the abyss.

Among the wild rabble of Feldberg ghosts, the Dengele spirit was the worst. As soon as fog rolled in, he spread fear and terror with his scythe. No priest was able to banish him, and to this day he still causes mischief on the Feldberg, leading hikers astray in thick fog.


The lake is easy to reach from Feldberg in summer. If there is snow, it will take about 30 minutes.