The dragon once lived in the Küsnacht ravages and devastated the surrounding villages - and it was not a knight who killed him, but a maiden. After the dragon's cave, there are also castle ruins and a boulder from the Ice Age to discover. The route is not only interesting for children, but also for adults.

The legend

Legend has it that the cave was once a lush pasture until a dragon took up residence there. The dragon ravaged the area, devouring and destroying everything it encountered when it left its cave.

The hunters often tried to kill him or seal the cave, but the dragon always found another exit and then became angrier than before.

Eventually a knight confronted the dragon with his sword, a holy candle, and Saint Mary, to whom he prayed before setting off. The cave narrowed until the knight had to crawl inside. Suddenly he could smell the dragon's musty odor and its snorting. His candle went out and he cowered in the hallway, terrified.

Despite the darkness, the knight could still see the dragon's fiery eyes. Frightened, the knight called out to the Virgin Mary, and immediately the dark cave was illuminated and Mary appeared. She tied the dragon to the rock with a diamond necklace. When the knight touched her, the cave widened and the knight was able to escape.


After the Tobelmüli it is not far to the Dragon's Cave. Its entrance is on the top right of the steep slope next to the stairs to the Küsnacht artificial ice rink.