If you are afraid of rockfalls, the Pfaffenloch is not recommended. Since 2017, the area has been almost inaccessible and the path is unpaved after a rockfall. But the legendary Pfaffenloch has lost none of its fascination since then.


In the past, all low-ranking clergymen such as monks or priests were referred to as Pfaffen. Later, during the Reformation, the derogatory connotation arose. In addition to the Pfaffenloch, the region also has the Pfaffengraben, which refers to the monastery in Rüeggisberg. There used to be a healing spring near the Pfaffenloch "for all kinds of chest ailments".


According to the Rüeggisberg people's claims, there is an underground connection from the cave to the Rüeggisberg monastery ruins. The fact that this is unrealistic given the distance of almost five kilometers plays little role in the stories behind it.

This is how the lovely little dwarves on Leuenberg are said to have climbed up into the Pfaffenloch. They helped people, but begged for some milk. As soon as someone touched the dwarves, the milk jug fell to the ground and the dwarves disappeared. They have never been seen since.

Another story tells of the dwarves from the Pfaffenloch, who owned a cow whose flesh grew back after they had cut it off the living cow for consumption.

Another time, when the farmer was still plowing at four o'clock on a Saturday afternoon, a dwarf came to him in the field and asked him if he could hear the bell ringing for the end of the working day and why he was not going home with his cart. The farmer replied that he could not hear anything, that the bell would not ring for another two hours. The dwarf, however, said that he should stand on his right foot and then listen to see if it was ringing. The farmer did as he was told and really did hear a wonderful ringing. This made such an impression on him that from then on he stopped working every Saturday afternoon at three o'clock.


Today, access is only recommended with good shoes and a helmet. From Guetebrünne there is a path that takes you to the Pfaffenloch in about 10 minutes.