Willisau lies at the foot of the Napf and is worth a trip back in time to the Middle Ages. The main street between the city gates is particularly picturesque, where one or two traditional shops have been preserved.

The Holy Blood Legend

On July 7, 1392, something terrible is said to have happened in front of the city gates. Three seasoned gentlemen were playing cards at a wooden table. Ueli lost everything he owned and accused the others of cheating. So he threw his sword in the air and shouted: "Let the sword pierce the body of Christ..." When the sword fell back to the ground, the sky darkened and the devil emerged from hell. He immediately took the sinner with him to purgatory. The other two were frightened and tried to cover up the traces of blood. They accused each other of cheating. One of them killed the other with a stone. But when he ran back to the town, the lice attacked him until he fell to the ground dead.

The piece of wood that the priest carved from the bloody table top still hangs in the Holy Blood Chapel. And the Willisau indulgence procession still takes place at Pentecost and the carved wood is carried through the town.


Willisau is easy to reach by car. Many parking spaces are marked as blue zones and can be used free of charge at certain times.