The picturesque town of Aarburg lies on the border with Solothurn in Aargau. The Aare River provides a wonderful backdrop to the fortress. Traces of civilization date back to Roman times. But the town was barely able to develop in the Middle Ages, as Olten and Zofingen are both no more than four kilometers away.

Tale of the Gallows

The executioner once carried out the last execution in Aargau in 1863 at the fortress of Aarburg. Olten and Aarburg had used a shared gallows until the middle of the 15th century. In order to settle disputes with Solothurn, the city of Bern moved the location from the fountain in the Kloos a little further south. After 1798, the place fell into oblivion until a hurricane during the First World War tore down the trees and the gallows became visible again.


Aarburg is best reached by car or train. The fortress is not open to the public, but it is still worth taking a trip into the town or walking around the castle.