The island of Mainau, an emerald green pearl in the glittering Lake Constance, spreads out over about 45 hectares and is the third largest island in this picturesque body of water. At the census on May 9, 2011, it counted 33 lucky souls who enjoy the privilege of calling this paradise their home.

Mainau rises like a petrified dream on a proud molasse limestone rock in Lake Überlingen, the north-western bay of Lake Constance. It is easily accessible from the south shore of the lake via a bridge, an enchanting passage that takes visitors on a journey into a world full of colours and scents. The jetty, which is regularly visited by the proud ships of the White Fleet, offers a majestic entrance to this botanical wonderland.

The surrounding towns of Konstanz, Meersburg and Überlingen stand as silent guardians around the island and offer additional attractions for explorers and connoisseurs. Mainau belongs to the city of Konstanz and has been owned by the non-profit "Lennart Bernadotte Foundation" since 1974, founded by Count Lennart Bernadotte. The presence of the count's family gives the island a royal aura and magically attracts visitors.

As a splendid part of the Upper Swabian Baroque Route, Mainau not only seduces with its natural beauty, but also with its historical and cultural treasures. An island like something out of a fairy tale that captivates every visitor and leaves behind unforgettable memories.

The Swedish Cross at the Mainausteg

There are legends that tell how the devil is in things. And there are legends that tell of holy objects whose divine power brings them to life. One such legend surrounds the mystical island of Mainau in Lake Constance.

Once, so the story goes, Commander Werner Schenk von Stauffenberg returned safely from a dangerous journey across the raging sea. Out of deep gratitude, he donated three crosses made of heavy brass and had them erected on the jetty to Mainau, where they sparkled in the evening light and promised hikers protection and blessings.

But then the dark shadow of the Thirty Years' War fell over the country, and the Swedes, who occupied the island, decided to steal the crosses as they left. They tore the holy symbols from their moorings and loaded them onto a heavy cart pulled by two mighty horses. But as they climbed the steep hill near Litzelstetten, the animals suddenly refused to go even one step further.

Even when ten more strong horses were harnessed to it, the cart did not move. The Swedes, driven by anger and impatience, finally abandoned the vehicle and moved on empty-handed. The next morning, a farmer from Litzelstetten discovered the abandoned cart with the well-known crosses on it. He harnessed his own modest farm horses to it and - oh wonder - without the slightest effort he pulled the cart back to the Mainau jetty.

There, on the quiet shore of Lake Constance, the magnificent crucifix and the two crosses with the thieves on the right and left were re-erected, where they stand in reverent silence to this day. The villagers gave the moving scene a name that still reminds us of the miraculous return: the "Swedish Cross."

So the legend lives on, a living breath of history that tells of divine assistance and the unshakable power of faith, deeply rooted in the heart of the island of Mainau and the hearts of those who know its history.


The island is accessible for a fee. There is paid parking.