
The Simmen Falls form the section of the Simme between its source at Siebenbrünnen and the valley floor of Lenk. A hike over the Bummere Pass to Lenk takes you directly past the impressive waterfalls after about two hours.

Its current course is the result of a water correction that was carried out in 1702. Due to recurring floods in the 18th century, the stream bed was artificially relocated. During this measure, the Simmen Falls were blasted into the rock and took on their current shape.

Source Spirits

Many legends say that springs are guarded by spirits or protective beings. In classical mythologies, there are often three female figures who take on this task. For the Greeks, it is the Moirai, for the Romans, the Parcae. In Nordic mythology, three Norns watch over the spring. These Norns appear, carve sticks and give them to the newborns, with these sticks representing the children's fate. We find a similar motif in the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty, where 13 fairies predict the newborn's life and death.


The waterfall is easily accessible from spring to autumn.