Immerse yourself in the fairytale world of Lake Pfäffikon, a hidden gem in the heart of the Zurich Oberland, where time seems to stand still and nature reveals its secrets in bright colors.

With an area of 3.3 square kilometers, Lake Pfäffikersee stretches out like a glittering gem in a picturesque valley, nestled between the gentle hills of the transition from the Glatt to the Kempt valley. Its crystal-clear waters reflect the wide sky and invite you to dream and linger.

An air of mysticism surrounds this magical place where the Kemptnerbach, also known as the Chämtnerbach in the local dialect, tells its stories and gently flows into the lake to breathe life into it. The lake itself, with an average depth of 18.5 metres and a maximum depth of 36 metres, holds secrets in its deep, dark abysses, luring adventurers and dreamers alike into its depths.

Along the shore, which slopes gently except in the west, lie the picturesque villages of Pfäffikon, Seegräben and Wetzikon, which have been witnesses to life on the lakeshore for centuries. The history of Lake Pfäffikon goes back to the Neolithic period, when prehistoric and early historical settlements lined the shore and the ruins of the Roman fort of Irgenhausen near the eastern shore bear witness to times gone by.

The Pfäffikersee was created by the magic of nature during the last ice age, when the Linth glacier left behind an over-deepened basin in the molasse subsoil, which filled with water as the ice retreated. A majestic terminal moraine on the north-west and north shore dams the lake, while a fairytale belt of reeds and swamp stretches along the shore, which once told enchanted stories to peat cutters and today to hikers and nature lovers alike.

Welcome to the realm of Lake Pfäffikon, where nature reveals its wonders and enchants the souls of visitors with its beauty and magic.

The Pfäffie

The sun bathed Lake Pfäffikersee in a golden light as the adventurous teenagers Röbi and Köbi bravely climbed into their small rubber dinghy and let themselves be carried along by the gentle current. Their friend Töbi accompanied them in a separate rubber ring, each of them with their mobile phones firmly in their hands.

In a world where connection to the outside world seemed essential, the friends used their cell phones to send each other messages, share music and take selfies as the rays of their devices shimmered across the calm lake.

The old fishermen on Lake Pfäffikersee told stories about a mysterious monster that was said to lurk in the depths of the lake, similar to Nessie in Loch Ness in Scotland. They affectionately called it "Pfäffie".

Suddenly the water surface became turbulent and waves began to rage dangerously around the small boats. In the midst of the chaos, Röbi and Köbi tried to hold on while Töbi tried to take a few snapshots. But then the unthinkable happened: a black hole opened up in the water and a snake-like arm grabbed Töbi and pulled him into the depths.

His friends desperately tried to save him. Köbi, a genius in times of need, played the song of sharks on his cell phone, which surprised the monster and caused its tentacles to go limp.

Finally, Töbi managed to free himself and reach the surface, where his friends pulled him out of the water, exhausted but relieved. But the question remains: does Pfäffie really exist or are they just stories? The police recommend putting your cell phone on flight mode when you are on Lake Pfäffikersee.

(After Markus Fisch, Wetzikon)


The 9-kilometer-long circular route around Lake Pfäffikon is popular with walkers and families. The tour is possible in any weather and the entire route is suitable for wheelchairs and strollers.