Silence, peace and solitude are the only friends you will find at the Étang de la Gruère. But the moor lake is anything but lifeless: gnomes, fairies and even unicorns are said to live in the thicket here. The stories speak of swamp dragons that rise up, of bears that reach for fish on the banks and of wolves that howl in packs.


Between Tramelan and Saignelégier, the lake, which is just five metres deep, lies in the hollow of a high plateau, protected by the forest. The peat makes the lake a black unknown despite its shallowness. The nature reserve is ideal for swimming in the summer. In autumn, the veiled clouds of mist drift over the water and bring the spirits to life.

The raised bog is 56 hectares in size and was created 12,000 years ago. The lake was created by human hands in the 17th century to provide natural power for a mill.

The fauna contributes to the fantastic atmosphere: spruces, pines, birches and various mosses, bushes and heathers dominate the landscape of this dreamlike place.


The Tavannes exit of the A5 leads towards Tramelan. There are parking spaces three kilometres after Tramelan. The lake can be walked around in just under an hour.