The Hagheerenloch, a fascinating natural phenomenon of historical significance, rises majestically along the hiking trail between Akau and Höhstock. The name of the loch refers to the notorious robber barons who once surrounded their castles in the Zurich Oberland region with a protective "hag" environment. These robber barons, also known as Hagheeren, lurked behind thick hedges and attacked and plundered unsuspecting pilgrims and merchants. The Hagheerenloch also served as a secret refuge for the Anabaptists in turbulent times.


The background of this impressive cave complex is just as captivating. The natural formation of the hole can be traced back to the different rock layers. Below the imposing conglomerate wall are layers of sandstone and marl that have been washed out by the flowing water over time. This process created a picturesque pool inside the cave. Once of impressive size, the Hagheerenloch now extends over a width of 15 meters and a depth of 30 meters.


Over the centuries, numerous legends have been told about the Hagheerenloch. A particularly fascinating story says that secret passages led from the cave to the castles of Sternsberg near Sternenberg and Wardegg near Hittnau. These passages served as secret connections for the skilled robber barons to get back and forth between their fortresses unnoticed. The legend breathes a mystical atmosphere into the Hagheerenloch and lets the imagination wander back to times gone by.

Today, the Hagheerenloch is not only a place of historical interest, but also a popular destination for nature lovers and hikers. The imposing conglomerate wall and the breathtaking natural scenery provide an impressive backdrop for exploration and photography. Visitors can follow in the footsteps of the robber barons of the past and discover the secrets of this unique cave.

The Hagheerenloch is not only a place of beauty, but also a monument to times gone by. It tells stories of bravery, adventure and mysterious connections. The fascination that emanates from this place is undeniable and makes the Hagheerenloch a true jewel of the Zurich Oberland.


The best way to reach the cave is on foot from Höchstock near Sternenberg via the hiking trail.