Near Ladis, a legendary cave leads deep into the earth.

Where the Fangga once lived

Long ago, in the vastness of the Tufftrotte, people tell of the mysterious Fangga who once had her home there. This shy forest witch usually spurned contact with people, preferring to be alone. But if you gave her lovingly selected gifts, she would open her heart and give well-meaning people valuable advice for their journey through life.
Nowadays, only a select few are destined to catch a glimpse of her. For the cave in which she lived led deep underground, into the hidden interior of the world. There, in the winding passageways and mysterious tunnels, the Fangfa kept her wisdom and magical powers, shielded from the eyes of mortals.
Those lucky enough to delve into the depths of the cave were rewarded with a sight that would fill their hearts. A shimmering labyrinth of sparkling gems and glowing crystals stretched out before them, while the sound of gently rippling water caressed their ears. It was a place of silence and peace where time lost its meaning.
Yet the Fangga remained a mystery, shrouded in mist and secrets. Few dared to enter its mysterious world, and even fewer returned to tell the tale. Most who found the courage to explore the deep paths of the Tufa Trot were enchanted by the beauty and magic of the Fangfa and chose to remain in its realm forever, preserving the wisdom and peace they had found.
So the legend of Fangga remains alive in people's hearts, a reminder of the mysterious and powerful witch who once lived in the tuff pit, passing on her gifts of wisdom to those who had the courage to seek her. And while the cave leads underground to the bowels of the earth, it remains a place of hope and wonder, revealed only to the few willing to seek her out.


The Fanggahöhle is a stop on the Mythenweg in Ladis.