In the midst of an enchanting setting, nestled between the glittering Lauerz and the enchanting Zug lakes, stretches a landscape of incomparable beauty. Here, in the landslide area of Goldau, an enchanted world is revealed that is so wildly romantic that one could almost forget that it grew out of the ruins of a past catastrophe. In the distant September of 1806, the earth shook and huge boulders fell from the majestic Rossberg, swallowing entire villages in their merciless grip.

But from this tragic event a new landscape emerged, a fen of fascinating diversity that is worth exploring. With your feet sinking into the soft ground, you can explore this varied terrain at every turn. The Goldseeli, an enchanting and mysterious lake hidden in the middle of the gentle reeds, is particularly worth a visit. With its pristine banks kissed by lush, natural vegetation, it transports visitors to a world of silence and peace. In summer, the water lilies bloom in all their splendor and cover the lake like a shimmering carpet of colors and dreams. They blend harmoniously into the lush green panorama and give the landscape an almost fairytale charm.

To get a closer look at the aquatic plants, a graceful wooden bridge leads over the sparkling water. One step on it and you become part of a fascinating ballet of nature. The gentle movements of the water lily leaves, the play of light on the water and the scent of freedom fill the senses and make you forget everyday life. It is a place of peace and wonder, where time seems to stand still and you can completely surrender to the secrets of nature. The Goldseeli is truly a jewel in the middle of this enchanted landscape that makes visitors' hearts beat faster in harmony with nature.

The monk at Goldseeli

About 150 years ago, when the path from Arth to Steinen/Schwyz still led over what is now rubble, a mysterious event occurred that still inspires people's imaginations today. It was at that time that the Capuchin from Arth, Fassbind, undertook the difficult journey to visit an old man in Steinen who was dying. Darkness had already set in when death finally reached the old man. At that moment, the brave monk decided to start the arduous journey home.

With his dimly lit lantern, the monk made his way through the dark thicket of rubble. But when he finally reached the Goldseeli, flooded with moonlight, an inexplicable sight revealed itself to him. Something was moving across the lake as if it were being guided by an invisible hand. A shiver ran down the monk's spine and he decided to increase his pace and follow the path along the lake.

But the mysterious creature did not escape his attention. As he hurried across the small wooden bridge, it scurried back and forth in front of him, always close to him, but always out of reach. Fear took hold of him, and in his excitement the monk lost his footing on the slippery wood and fell into the icy water of the Seelis. His head clumsily hit the sharp-edged stones of the lake and he lost consciousness in the cold water. The next morning the monk's lifeless body was found on the shore of the lake and he was buried with dignity in Arth near the Capuchin monastery, which still keeps its doors open today.

But the mysterious creature that had been haunting the monk disappeared without a trace after that night. Was it the ghost of the deceased man still wandering around this world? Or had the monk's imagination played a cruel trick on him?

That question, dear reader, is up to you. The story remains a mystery that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy and fires people's imagination.


The pond can be reached very quickly from Goldau train station.