On the stretch from Klingenstock to Fronalpstock, an indescribable panorama opens up on a ridge hike. On one of the most beautiful ridge hiking trails in Switzerland, there is a breathtaking view of the mountains and lakes of central Switzerland. At the end of June and in July, the diverse alpine flora shines in all its splendor. In autumn, wild haymaking on the steep slopes offers a fascinating spectacle.

The blood-red Muota water

In the past, when the French invaded the Muota Valley, dramatic events occurred. After the wooden bridge over the Muota was burned by the French, only two foundation beams remained as a makeshift bridge. When the Russians also entered the valley, fierce fighting broke out. At the "French Redoubt", the French were surprised by flank fire and fled. The desperate flight ended tragically when horses and soldiers fell into the foaming Muota. A high-ranking French officer tried desperately to cross the abyss with his white horse, but the horse refused and both disappeared into the river. Memories of those days say that the Muota water was said to have been completely red with the blood of the French.


The steepest funicular in the world takes you from Muotathal to Stoos. From there you can either take the chairlift to Klingenstock or walk straight up. Alternatively, you can take the cable car from Morschach up to Stoos.