The Sormatt Falls are located just below Wildenstein Castle in the middle of a nature reserve in the Jura. The Fluebach falls over two sills and is said to be one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Baselland, especially in winter when it is frosty. If you are brave, you can even climb behind the waterfall.

History of Wildenstein

The origins of the estate date back to the construction of Wildenstein Castle in the 13th century - it is not known exactly when this was built. Nor is it known what the first castle looked like. The oldest building preserved today is the residential tower built in 1338. A fortified outer bailey with farm buildings was possibly originally made of wood.

The dog from Herrenholz

Around 1900, a farmer was returning to his home in Lampenberg on foot after visiting his family in Ziefen. His route took him home via the Tannmatt, Grosstannen and Wildenstein farms. At dusk, he crossed the extensive forests of the so-called Herrenholz. Suddenly he noticed a large white dog trotting along beside him. When he tried to stroke the dog's back, his hand fell into thin air. The dog, apparently acting as a protector, accompanied the man - without ever making a sound - to the edge of the forest, from where the lights of Lampenberg could be seen, and then suddenly disappeared. The man returning home then told his family about this inexplicable experience and said that the animal must have been protecting him from a highwayman.


In Bubendorf there are parking spaces before the climb towards the castle. On weekdays you can also drive to the castle.