Nature is often the best creator of art and aesthetics. A fabulous example of nature's creative art are the sandstone formations on the Wolfensberg. Children in particular are attracted by their shapes and the climbing opportunities.

The weather has eroded the soft sandstone around the rock formations, so that today hard head-like formations adorn the steep slope. The molasse sandstone consists of freshwater molasse deposits that were formed 15 million years ago. The bizarre shape gave the place its name and is the basis of numerous legends and fantasies. But it is not only the stones that are picturesque, because the view of the surroundings of Wülflingen also invites you to linger.


There are many myths and legends about the origin of the formations. The most well-known story is from the time of the Helvetians. Caturix, the war and tribal deity of the Helvetians, is said to have been so angry that he struck the ground with his fist with full force to scare the Helvetians' enemies. This is how the furrows of the Chöpfi were created between the spaces between his fingers.


The best way to get to the Chöpfi is from the Schützenweiher and then it takes just over an hour to hike to the Chöpfi. Unfortunately, there are hardly any parking spaces nearby. Parking at the Strickhof is not recommended. If the hike is too far for you, you can reach your destination more quickly by starting from Wülflingen. There are several barbecue areas at the Chöpfi, which are in extensive use in summer.