Near Aeugst am Albis, the Türlersee is nestled in the wooded hills around the Reppisch valley. Where the Linth glacier and the Reuss glacier brought together molasse, a landslide dammed the Reppisch to form this lake ten thousand years ago. At first the lake flowed through the Hexental valley towards the Reuss. Later, nature chose the other side of the valley and the water has flowed via the Reppisch into the Limmat ever since.

Nature reserve

A hiking trail around the lake takes you through a nature reserve full of frogs and toads in an hour. In winter, there is a tinkling beauty and often a gnawing silence. The frosty reeds and snow-covered forests invite you to linger.

World of legends

The Nobleman of Schnabelburg

A long time ago, where Lake Türlersee is today, there was a beautiful farm with fertile fields. The farmer's dear daughter did not escape the eyes of the lord of the castle at Schnabelburg. The noble lord charmed the child incessantly. But the daughter always rejected him.

So the dissatisfied lord of the castle persuaded the father to bring the girl to the castle under false pretenses. He quickly closed the gate behind the daughter, who screamed in recognition of her predicament. At that very moment the treacherous father was punished: a flaming bolt of lightning struck the parents' house. A fiery chasm opened up and swallowed the farm. The next morning, Lake Türlersee was located in this spot.

The Kriemhilte Trench

The inhabitants of Heferschwil once angered Kriemhilt, the witch who lived on Lake Türlersee. She swore to take revenge, to dig out the lake and to channel the water over the fields of Heferschwil. She began to cut through a small mountain that lay between the lake and the hamlet with a shovel as big as a threshing gate. She had already dug a long ditch, about 200 feet long, but she had sworn that she would dig out the lake, whether to please or to displease God. This made God angry, raised a mighty storm, broke her shovel and let the storm wind carry it away to Vreneli's little garden on the Glärnisch, a mountain that looks most beautiful to the eye from this spot.


The Türlersee is easy to reach by public transport: for example, from the city of Zurich with tram 14 to Triemli and with the post bus line 235 or with the Zurich S-Bahn (S5) to Affoltern am Albis, bus line 223 via Hausen am Albis to Türlersee.