In 1318, the Augustinians built a hermitage very close to Winterthur. Rinower from Winterthur set up a simple building, an altar room and a living room. Other brothers gradually joined him. The abandoned hermitage later became a small monastery.


The initially lucrative indulgence trade and donations were increasingly unable to finance the lavish lifestyle of the canons. The convent administration contributed to this with its mismanagement, so that the monastery slowly fell into disrepair. After the remaining property was transferred to the regulated Augustinian monasteries, the morale of the Beerenbergs was damaged. In 1484 they tried to flee abroad, taking money, relics and church jewels with them. The delinquents were then caught. The treasures found a second bloom in the Töss monastery. The convent finally came to an end with the Reformation and the last four canons were allowed to say goodbye with a pension.


From Wülflingen, the best way to reach the ruins is on foot. There is a nice barbecue area and space to relax at the ruins.