
The ruins of Kastelen Castle rise on a wooded hill near Alberswil, just outside the Emmental. The tower is easily visible in winter. In summer, three mighty linden trees obscure the view of the keep.

The hill was already inhabited in prehistoric times, as evidenced by flint arrowheads dating to around 3000 BC. Pottery shards and a belt buckle from the Bronze Age are further finds that testify to the region's long history.

Some time ago, the Lucerne cantonal archaeology department was able to confirm that a wooden and earthen castle had been built on the same site before the residential tower that still exists today. It had the same orientation. However, it stood a little further to the southeast on the foundation groups and wooden posts. The tower was built around 1250 and was the residence of the Kyburgs. Unlike most castles in the region, it survived the Sempach War. It was not until the Peasants' War around 1653 that the castle became uninhabitable and began to decay.

The residential tower is now 21 metres high and offers a wonderful panoramic view once you have conquered the newly constructed stairs.


Two footpaths from Alberswil and the Burgrain Agricultural Museum lead to the tower. The route there is varied and offers numerous other opportunities to discover in addition to the current castle.

In Alberswil there are parking spaces behind the school building and at the Burgrain Museum, from where the paths up to the castle ruins are marked.