Barely larger than a pond and yet the largest natural lake located entirely in the canton of Aargau: The Egelsee is idyllically situated in the middle of a beech forest above Bergdietikon on the Heitersberg between the Limmat and Reuss valleys.

The Egelsee-Wälleflüehau natural forest reserve is located around the legendary Egelsee. Whether swimming in the area of ​​the diving tower, exploring nature in a special way along the discovery trail or immersing yourself in the life of the Knights of Schönenwerd at the Kindhausen castle ruins - those seeking relaxation will find attractive opportunities here to encounter the beautiful nature with its great variety of plants.

Because of its fairytale location, there are many stories and legends surrounding the lake. One legend says that the ruins of an old knight's castle are located on the bottom of the lake. Another legend happened a little further in the valley between Dietikon and Spreitenbach.

The Ghost Chess

There were once two impressive farms in the Limmat Valley. Over time, the boundaries between the farms became complicated due to marriage and inheritance. This eventually led to disputes between the owners, and out of hatred one of them moved a marker stone in the swampy Schachen and later other marker stones, naturally in his own favor.

Years later, when the neighbor wanted to chop wood there, he noticed this fraud. But the stone was already covered with moss, and the liar won his case. The loser was ruined and soon died of grief. The enriched farmer became more and more respected, but as time went by his conscience began to trouble him. He spent many sleepless nights in Schachen, setting the milestones in their old and correct places. But before he had finished, he died. Since then, one can see a lonely, eager man working there at night.

One day, a farmer was driving from Dietikon to Spreitenbach. Suddenly, his horse resisted. When the farmer looked around, he saw a snow-white skeleton on a huge fir tree. He used the whip to chase away a terrible apparition. But it remained standing. He wanted to run away in horror, but could not move. The ghost said in a hollow voice: "Hundreds of years ago, I moved the boundary stone of this manor house and killed my neighbor."

I can be saved by a local farmer if he does what I wanted to do: put the stones back in their old place. Are you prepared to give a third of your property to the poor neighbor? Say yes quickly, because in a few moments my time will be up and I will have to wait another hundred years before I can ask the next person for this kind favor." Since the farmer could not immediately think of an answer, the moments passed and a bolt of lightning struck out of the blue next to the ghost - and the whole thing disappeared.


The lake can only be reached on foot or by bike. From the village center of Kindhausen, it takes just over half an hour to walk to the lake.