If you are looking for a quiet place, far from the road and the village, Erdmannlistein is the right place for you. In the middle of the forest, surrounded by trees, you can enjoy pure nature.
However, if you want to enjoy the peace and quiet alone or only with selected people, you have to stay at this place in the evening, because during the day the Erdmannlistein is a popular destination for families and school classes.


The so-called Erdmannlistein lies in the middle of the forest between Wohlen and Bremgarten (AG). Over time, the triple weight of the stones has sunk into the soft forest floor, causing the free space between the stones to partially fill with earth.


According to the saga, the entrance to an underground cave was under the stones, where little meerkats lived for a long time. People from the area would come here and there and call the little fellows out. They were very trusting and performed all kinds of dances and jumps, for which they gratefully accepted cabbage, kale and turnips as a reward. They got on well with the people until one day two young boys came up with the idea of playing a trick on the little ones and throwing stones down into the cave. Then a moaning and groaning could be heard underground, which could be heard all night long. Since that day, the meerkats have disappeared without a trace...


For our ancestors, it was an indisputable fact that forests, streams, fields and mountains were inhabited by living beings. They were the ones who made plants grow in the spring and made the springs flow. On the other hand, they were responsible for diseases, madness and deformities.
The Alemanni called these creatures Schraten or Elves (the name Alb has been preserved to this day in the word nightmare). They usually live inside the mountains or under large stones, where the midwives also collected the souls of newborns.
When people and livestock got into trouble, it was often dwarves who helped them out with their magical knowledge. A little dwarf often appeared to poor farmers to look after their cows until the worst times were over. When the dwarves brought the cattle back, they were well fed, had shiny fur and gave plenty of good milk.
Ancient beliefs have survived in the stories of the dwarves, which are among the most widespread and popular in the entire Alpine region. In shamanism, one of the oldest forms of religion known to mankind, belief in spirits who are the masters of wild animals, know how to cure illnesses and help people survive, plays a central role.
In the other valleys too, the small people were driven out by stupidity and rudeness.


According to geologists, the strangely stacked group of granite stones was deposited by the Reuss glacier during the Ice Age.


By train from Zurich, change in Dietikon and continue with the BDB to the “Erdmannlistein” stop.

Since Erdmannlistein is located in the middle of a huge forest, this place cannot be reached by car. From the Bremgarten West stop (which can be reached by car) you can follow the signs on foot or take the train one stop towards Wohlen and get to Erdmannlistein (walking time: approx. 35 minutes).