Alp Äsch at 1238m is an unknown paradise in the Swiss Alps that is gradually being conquered by tourists. It is still beautiful in the Unterschächer idyll, but the fairytale backdrop around the Stäubifall attracts nature lovers to the place of power. Anyone who dares to climb up early in the morning is lucky enough to be able to enjoy the dreamy solitude against the backdrop of one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Switzerland.

Only one man lives on the alp all year round. Otherwise the place is far too dangerous due to avalanches. It is therefore advisable to only access it when the terrain is free of snow.


A walk of around one hour takes you from the village of Unterschächen to Alp Äsch. There are also a few parking spaces at the first bend after Unterschächen in the direction of the Klausen Pass, from which you can reach the waterfall on foot.