For twenty years, excavator drivers, conservationists and craftsmen worked on the renaturation of the lowest sections of the Thur, where its water feeds the Rhine. The resulting floodplain landscape is just as unique as such a gigantic renaturation project. A paradise for people and nature has been created between Rüdlingen, Flaach and Ellikon, the value of which far exceeds the forty million invested, as the focus was not only on revitalizing nature but also on flood protection and floodplain protection. Rare plant and animal species have already settled here. If you are lucky, you will come across cormorants, kingfishers or little ringed plovers. One hiker is said to have even spotted an osprey. In addition to the rare bird species, tree frogs and beavers have also settled here. Floodplain landscapes are interesting not only because of orchids, gentians and anemones, but also because of their flora.


A wonderful hike through the floodplains, banks and forest areas on the edge of the Rhine begins in Rüdlingen. From spring to autumn, you can take the ferry to Ellikon. The paths continue towards Thur along the river to the Thurauen Nature Center. Numerous path variations invite you to return to the floodplain area regularly.

Directions and offer

There are parking spaces in front of the bridge in Rüdlingen, at the Thurauen Nature Center and at the Elliker Bridge. The region offers guided tours and workshops through the nature center. There are numerous barbecue areas, adventure trails and swimming opportunities.