In the gentle waves of Lake Constance, where the waters of the mighty lake pour out into the vastness, rises the enchanting island of Werd. On this dreamy island stands the Werd Monastery, a place of reflection and spiritual fulfillment, where the Franciscans live in harmony with nature and the tides of life.

The island of Werd, connected to the mainland by a modest wooden footbridge that stretches over 200 meters, is a quiet retreat for the soul, embedded in the community and Catholic parish of Eschenz. Here, surrounded by the endless expanse of water and the gentle whisper of the wind, the Franciscans find their home and their calling.

Werd Monastery is more than just a building made of stone and wood; it is a place of silence and prayer where the beauty of nature and the spirituality of the Franciscans merge. Here, the secrets of the universe are revealed in the gentle waves of the lake and the delicate flowers of the island meadows, while the monks live and work in harmony with creation.

In this enchanted oasis of peace and contemplation, visitors can leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind and immerse themselves in the mysterious world of Werd Monastery. A place of magic and peace, where time seems to stand still and the soul can spread its wings to shine in the light of divine grace.


The history of the monastery on the island is closely linked to the exile of Otmar (689 - 759), the founder and first abbot of the monastery of St. Gallen. After his posthumous rehabilitation and canonization in 864, a small Benedictine convent was established on the island to look after the Otmar shrine, which was accompanied by a small chapel. In the 18th century, relics of Otmar were also brought to the island to further promote his veneration.

Although the property belongs to the Benedictine Abbey of Einsiedeln, it was leased to the Swiss Province of the Franciscans in 1957. Today it is part of the Austrian Franciscan Province of Austria and is looked after by the Custody of Christ the King. The six monks, whose number is as of 2018, live a simple and modest life. They celebrate Holy Mass in the monastery chapel, pray the Liturgy of the Hours and are involved in parish pastoral care and street work in Zurich. Part of the island and the monastery chapel are open to visitors who are interested in experiencing the tranquility and spirituality of the place.


The monastery and the island can be reached via a bridge.