On the Bislikerhau hill near Affoltern am Albis, nine menhirs form a stone circle and are thus a new mosaic piece of the densest concentration of megalithic stone settings outside Great Britain and northern France.

The structures, which are up to man-sized, come from the Neolithic megalithic culture. In the same region in Säuliamt there are up to 50 documented stone rows and 10 stone circles. There are also numerous hole stones, dolmens and large stone groups that are witnesses to the time before the Celts.

The stone circle in Bislikerhau was only recently discovered. It is aligned with two menhirs further away, which indicate both the direction of the summer solstice and the direction of the great northern lunar solstice. The stone circle probably served as a place of worship in connection with the summer solstice. Despite its inconspicuous appearance, the stone circle has been considered one of the most important megalithic objects in Switzerland since its discovery.

It is interesting to note that a striking number of stone settings in Säuliamt point to the church of Mettmenstetten. It is possible that there was previously a central place of worship there.


The best way to get there is from Affoltern towards Müliberg. At the junction before Müliberg you have to turn left towards the Dachs barbecue area. Then you walk for about fifteen minutes along the Bislikerweiher towards Bislikerhau.