What a magical secret lies hidden in the Bruedertöbeli near Ganterschwil! A wondrous chapel hidden in the middle of a magnificent landscape, surrounded by ancient, mysterious stories just waiting to be discovered. Waterfalls cascading down from the heavenly heights into a sea of sparkling light and splashing water. A cave, mysterious and dark, that captivates the mind with its mysterious aura. It is hard to believe that all of this is in one place - a truly enchanting place of exploration and discovery.


A majestic waterfall cascades over the cave, letting the water cascade down in a picturesque torrent. A path leads into the fascinating cave on one side and out again on the other. Inside the cave there are two rustic tables with matching benches, which are occasionally used for a cozy campfire. Those who set off from Bruedertöbeli have the choice: either take the same route back to Bütschwil or take a circular hike via Äwil or along the south side of the Bruedertöbelibach via Williswis. To get to Scheiterbeige, you have to climb a steep staircase and are rewarded with a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. What is in Scheiterbeige remains a secret. After descending from the Williswis farm, simply follow the hiking trail and enjoy a beautiful view of Bütschwil and Mosnang behind it. The path leads to Äwil on the right and to Williswis on the left.


In 1369, a hermitage of three lay brothers and a priest was first mentioned, who had received the place as a gift from the Count of Toggenburg. In the 15th/16th century, the hermitage was only inhabited by a few hermits. In the 18th century, a service was held every year on the church festival day for the Catholics of Lütisburg, Ganterschwil and Oberhelfenschwil. The hermitage was mostly inhabited by poor people.

In 1851/52, four men made another attempt to establish a hermitage. This was met with resistance, as it was considered "an institution that was no longer suitable for the progress of our time." Nevertheless, the hermitage was built and existed for several years.

Finally, in 1865, the chapel and the brotherhood house were demolished. Today, nothing remains of the former hermitage and its inhabitants. But its history and the lives of the people who lived there remain an important part of the region's history and a testimony to times gone by.


The quickest route is from Bütschwil train station, but numerous circular hikes lead from Ganterschwil through the countryside to the cave.