The last remnant of the marshland between Lake Walen and Lake Zurich is a true natural idyll. In spring, summer and autumn it is the ornithological spectacles, and in winter the icy beautiful landscape that attracts visitors.

fauna and Flora

While initially the main focus of conservation interests was on the black-headed gulls, today the Kaltbrunner Riet is considered an important refuge for many endangered plant and animal species. As a Ramsar protected area, fen and amphibian spawning area, it is of national importance. Today the protected area covers an area of 50 hectares with the Gull Pond, Entensee and Zweiersee.

The angry army

A farmer's son was visiting his bride. The path led across fields and meadows near Kaltbrunn. The boy talked himself out of his fears and deliberately chose the midnight hour between Thursday and Friday to return home. But once and never again! Above him there was a noise and commotion, as if countless birds were chasing him. His hat was also knocked off his head. He left the spot in a hurry and escaped unscathed.

Whoever hears the raging army should not turn towards it, at least not by merely turning his head; otherwise he will face a dangerous tumor or even a serious illness. Whoever wants to turn should turn his whole body.


From Uznach there are several parking spaces from which you can walk around the Riet. The observation towers at the Möventeich and Entensee and the platform at the Zweiersee always allow interesting discoveries to be made. The permanent exhibition in the Riethütte is supplemented with annually changing contributions from the region.