In the 19th century, tuff was mined in the municipality of Zell using a stone saw. The tuff was mined to build roads and factories in the municipality. The Tüfels Chilen is the result of the quarry. Since nature has gradually reclaimed the quarry area, the Tüfels Chilen with its stepped moss formations has a bizarre and mystical appearance. The place is now considered a place of power.

Two large and two small springs flow together at the Tüfels Chilen. In the shade of the forest, the water has formed a natural staircase covered in moss. The natural sculpture appears bizarre and is unique in its form. Watching the rippling water brings inner peace. The structure is a highlight in an otherwise spectacular hiking area in the Tösstal.

Location and directions

Well-signposted hiking trails show the way to the Tüfels Chilen in the Bäntal near Kollbrunn. From Kollbrunn train station, the Tüfels Chilen can be reached in about 40 minutes on foot. First, follow the signs towards Nussberg and then towards Tüfels Chilen. From Ober Langenhard, the Tüfels Chilen can be reached in just 20 minutes on foot.

Above the Tüfels Chilen there is a cozy barbecue area, which is ideal for sausage and bread, and not just in summer. It is a nature reserve. The well-maintained paths should not be left.