The stalactite caves that were discovered at the end of the 19th century (1863) during the mining of tuff are called Höllgrotten Baar. At that time, the demand for solid building blocks was enormous, as people wanted to build the Zurich-Affoltern-Zug railway line. The caves that were discovered were connected to one another using artificial breakthroughs, so that today you can walk through the Höllgrotten in two different parts.

During the tour, which lasts around 45 minutes, you can admire the stalagmites and stalactites that have been formed over thousands of years by calcareous springs, which come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Small lakes can be found again and again, which add to the mystical atmosphere. The various caves in the Baar Cave Grottos have been lovingly given names such as Nymph Spring, Magic Castle or Bear Cave, and you are presented with a short text to read about each one during the tour.


The Höllgrotten are located in the middle of the Lorzentobel, near Baar (ZG). It is about an hour's walk from Baar train station and about 25 minutes from the Lorzentobelbrücke bus stop (Zug-Menzingen line). For those arriving by car, there are enough parking spaces in front of the entrance to the caves (see map).


Opening hours: 01 April to 31 October:
9.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.30

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Phone: 041 761 83 70

Independent hiking through the caves possible
Cost: 10.00 Fr.