Chillon Castle, a medieval moated castle in the canton of Vaud, stands proudly on the shores of Lake Geneva. Its roots go back to the Kingdom of Burgundy a thousand years ago, but its true splendour unfolded in the 13th and 14th centuries under the rule of the Counts of Savoy.

A witness to past eras, the fortress served as the administrative centre of the Bernese bailiwick of Vevey from 1536 to 1798. Today, owned by the canton of Vaud since 1803, the castle attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

Set in a picturesque setting against the majestic Alps, Chillon Castle is not only an architectural gem, but also a beloved inspiration for artists and nature lovers alike. Protected by the Chillon Castle Foundation, it opens its gates to share history and beauty with the world, while the landscape around Chillon rests in the Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut.

A masterpiece of monument conservation, carefully restored and researched, Chillon Castle stands as a living testimony to times gone by and a shining jewel of Swiss culture.

The Griffin of Chillon Castle

The Chillon Castle is full of griffins, those fascinating creatures that have captured people's imagination for centuries. A creature from the legends of days gone by, composed of the body and hind legs of a lion and the head, wings and front legs of an eagle. In the Middle Ages, the griffin was often seen as a kind of benign monster.

Moving between heaven and earth, the griffin has over time also come to embody the symbolism of Jesus Christ, who in Christian teaching is united as man and God.

In particular, in the Camera domini of Chillon Castle, visitors can experience a fascinating scene in which a griffin faces a dragon. This depiction of the fight between a griffin and a dragon was often a symbol of the eternal struggle between good (represented by the griffin) and evil (represented by the dragon) in the Middle Ages.


Bus line N° 201 from Vevey, Montreux or Villeneuve. Stop “Chillon” directly in front of the castle.