
The ruins of Alt-Landenberg are located in the municipality of Bauma, rising above the valley that the Töss has formed over the centuries, at just over 700 metres above sea level. The ruins can be reached on foot via a short, steep walk on a paved trail.

Where once a moat and a drawbridge opened the way to the castle via a staircase cut into the rock, today only the remains of the fortifications can be seen. The complex was built in several phases and is said to have been first built before 1200. Around this time, a ring wall made of tuff was built. The walls were up to three meters thick. It is striking that no traces of a keep have ever been found. The main building was the palace. There were also a few outbuildings. The basic design thus corresponded to a typical high medieval castle.

The last knights of the castle fell in 1315 in the Battle of Morgarten on the side of the Habsburgs. After that, the castle fell into the possession of the monastery of St. Gallen. After several changes of ownership, the city of Zurich acquired the castle, but then rented it out. As the castle continued to decay, the last owner allowed the stones to be used to build the church in Bauma.

In the 1960s, the castle complex was uncovered and restored.

Location and directions

The Sennhüttenstrasse in Bauma leads directly over the Töss, where there are parking spaces. From there you can walk up a path to the castle. There are numerous barbecue facilities at the castle.

opening hours

The ruins are accessible day and night.