On the border between the cantons of Bern and Fribourg, in the area of tension between the diocese of Lausanne and the imperial city of Bern and later between Catholics and Protestants, the castle has always made the Sensegraben deeper than it naturally was. This made the Castell the largest castle in the canton of Bern. At over 150 meters long and 50 meters wide, the dimensions were enormous when it was fully built. The castle is strategically well-placed: only the southeast side offers access via a rocky saddle, while the other sides drop vertically to up to 60 meters.

The history of the castle goes back to the year 1220. But who exactly built it is disputed. The Zähringers are a possibility. What is certain is that from 1250 onwards the castle passed from Kyburg to Savoy and then to Habsburg property. In 1575 the castle was abandoned and fell into disrepair.


The Grasburg was once one of the meanest castles in our country. It was inhabited by the lord and tyrant Amadeus. He oppressed his subjects in every way imaginable and had people imprisoned for no reason. A maid finally pushed him into the raging scythe during a stormy night. The wild river took the tyrant's shattered body and carried it away. He was never found again.


A short hike leads from Schwarzenburg train station to Grasburg. The route is signposted on the hiking trails. Alternatively, you can reach Grasburg on foot from the Sodbach bridge. Grasburg can also be reached by car, but there are only a few parking spaces.